Tel: 0438 524 243 or 0417 559 046
E-mail: ypsaltwaterclassic@gmail.com
Yorke Peninsula's Saltwater Classic
Stansbury and Port Vincent, South Australia
Past Events
Yorke Peninsula’s Saltwater Classic allows local communities to welcome classic boating enthusiasts and others to enjoy the diverse tourism assets of Yorke Peninsula.
We are volunteers sharing energy and creativity to present our towns and region as welcoming, wondrous, adventurous and enjoyable.
We do this through our focus on the best possible impressions to ensure people return for Yorke Peninsula’s Saltwater Classic every two years and encourage others to attend.
The Saltwater Classic continues to value add to existing regional assets including food and wine experiences, aquatic recreation and water sports and nature-based activities such as visits to Innes National Park and Walk The Yorke.
Time and again, people comment on the friendly “country feel” of Yorke Peninsula’s Saltwater Classic, the welcoming hospitality and the volunteer effort that goes into its presentation.
Feedback from participants and visitors gathered and evaluated from past events overwhelmingly shows that quality customer service is delivered and that people enjoy Yorke Peninsula’s Saltwater Classic.